The Road to PyWeek - Legions of Automatons

I've abandoned my physics game concept as Squirtle and Pymunk can't agree about coordinates for vertices on paths/polygons.

Yesterday, I had a friend of mine give me a theme at 3:00PM EST (Which, since daylight savings time is coming up here in the states, will be 4:00PM EDT by the time this warmup challenge is over), and two weeks.

So, by 4:00PM EDT on the 26th I must have my game completed. (The 26th is also my 20th birthday, incidentally, and I think a success on my 20th would be a nice present :D)

The theme my friend gave me is "Building Blocks".

I've decided to dodge the obvious toy-land themes and the block puzzles, and head for more interesting territory.

My game is titled "RoboLegion".

It is a takeoff from Robocode, a game where you write an AI for a combat robot.

In RoboLegion, you write the AI for an army of robots that fights against other armies of robots. It is turn-based, and you have no direct control over your army once the battle begins.

I'm justifying using my theme like so: Units are modular, and are composed of a body, a turret, and an AI script. In addition, structures have their own AI, and some hold turrets that the structure's AI can operate.

Any turret can be placed onto any turret slot. This includes worker turrets. That means that turrets on buildings can build further structures. Also, any AI script can be placed into any unit or structure, even where it would be useless. I'm not going to stop the player from being stupid, and I'm not going to stop the player from being clever.

The game will have options to limit the number of scripts that can be used by a player, and the size of those scripts (Individually and/or total).

It will support up to 8 factions in a single battle, as well.

It's a big plan, but I'm hoping that I can pull it off.

(If not, I will hopefully find it in me to work on it more after the compo!)

Here's hoping...


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I have in the past got squirtle to play nice with Pymunk. My code is still online. Let me know if you want to talk about this. I seem to recall I had to reverse polygon winding at some point, because pymunk had 'y-axis down' convention whereas opengl has a 'y-axis up' convention, so clockwise is reversed in each case. But I believe later versions of pymunk now accept windings in any direction, so this probably isn't your problem.