Partner(s) wanted for Pyggy

I want to start working on a team. How about a collaboration for Pyggy? I'd rather work on someone else's game, to get used to working with other people's code, but if need be I have an old entry or two that we could do. Anyone interested?

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Sure, I'm interested! Pick me!
I'd like to team up too. :)
Great, let's do it! Email me at my username at Anyone else interested can email me too. When Pyggy starts up, I can set up a Google group or something and I'll let you know.
i'd like too, but i don't want to take the risk on contibuting on its under rating, and being blamed because of that... :(
I guess we need to decide what game we're going to do. We need a game that didn't live up to its full potential during PyWeek. Looking at all of our past entries, I like kent_turbo's Flight from this PyWeek for this, but what do you all think?
unfortunately, i still can't play it...
Is it that "as" is a reserved word, or do you not have PyODE, or is it something else?
I'd like to continue working on Flight too, but it can be anything.

2nitrofurano: I've uploaded a version that should work on python 2.6.

2all: what version control you guys use, if any?
Okay, let's go with Flight. I'll make us a Pyggy entry. As for source control, I've only ever used Mercurial, and I'm not very good at it. So, I'm open for whatever you're comfortable with. Were you using source control for Flight? Do you want to go ahead and set up an online repository?
Okay, it's decided then. No, I don't use source control for pyweek, since it's slows things down. I'll look into mercurial tomorrow. I'll get us something online after that.

Shall we discuss what we should make Flight into?
Yes absolutely. We should do that on a mailing list or something for the group. A common thing to do is make a Google Code project. Or, you know, something like that. Do you want to set it up or should I?
Ok. There's and I pushed some code into the repo.
There's also a mailing list at although it is not active at the moment, as it is being reviewed for spam, but you shoud still be able to join.
Okay, let's continue the discussion there. cyhawk, nitrofurano, anyone else who wants in, join the Google group and join the discussion. See ya!
Any idea how long it's going to take to vet the mailing list? I tried posting but it's not approved yet. In the meantime, I started a wiki page for brainstorming. I think we should put all our ideas there, until the list is up and running.
@Cosmologicon - google group? where? ( <> ... )
@kent_turbo - where from can be downloaded the python 2.6 version of your code?

@kent_turbo - oops sorry, you meant the python 2.6 version is at - hg clone flightgame
Cosmologicon: no idea. I'll try to contact support or something if it's still not ok tomorrow.

nitrofurano: the link to group is in my previous post (the mailing list one). It seems pyweek didn't accept my upload when I wrote that comment, but now you should be able to check
out code from the (click 'Source' and follow instructions).
@kent_turbo - very weird that 'Banned Content Warning'... -
It seems that all new groups are marked as spam and require manual approval on the google side. We'll have to use this forum and wiki until the group is approved.
kent_turbo: This is totally a tangent, but why do you feel source control slows things down? Even for projects I'm working on on my own, it saves a huge amount of worrying if you know you can make sweeping changes like deleting huge chunks of your code and be sure that you can get them back with a handful of keystrokes if you need them. What is it about your workflow that means source control is such a hindrance?
I wouldn't call VC a hindrance, and I actually never tried using it in pyweek. First, I'm not proficient with VC enough to use it automatically, and sometimes I need to read docs to do something right. And second, VC stimulates me to structure my work better, avoid changes irrelevant to the feature I'm currently working on, and writing meaningful commit messages takes time too. Not writing them is not an option for me. :)

Outside pyweek I use VC extensively in almost every piece of code I write. If not actually useful, commit messages from a few years ago can be quite entertaining.
Version control is a very good idea during pyweek. Using it is trivial:
  1. Install Bazaar [1]
  2. bzr init
  3. bzr add *.py
  4. bzr commit
And every now and then run "bzr status" to see what stuff might need checking in. Bazaar handles things like renaming and deletion automatically. That's so not a hindrance :)

Then when you go down some doomed development path and realise your new code is crap and you need to undo the last few hour's work, or perhaps you just need to look at the code from before you started it... "bzr log" to figure out the revision to look at and "bzr co -r <revision> <filename>" to check out that version of the file. I do this myself a couple of times each pyweek :)

Also with revisions checked in you can go back in time and look at the development of your game over the week.

Finally, using Bazaar (or Mercurial) when the week is over and you decide to make the project public you can just sign up to one of the free project hosting sites and "bzr push" the repository out to the world.

[1] or Mercurial - I've not used it but I believe the usage is pretty much the same as bzr.
I forgot to mention the other benefit of version control which has saved my ass a couple of times: "oh shit I just deleted the wrong file!!!!" :)
pyode seems to be difficult to install on Linux and OSX - tutorials needed...
The tutorials are only needed to write programs using it. Installing it on Ubuntu is very simple. You can find it under the Synaptic Package Manager. Give it a shot and if you still have any trouble, email me at Cosmologicon at and we'll get it working for you.
yes, it seems simple as ' sudo apt-get install python-pyode python-pyode-doc ' - i'll try it asap, i'm on a 2d-vesa-generic slow computer now - thanks - otherwise, i tried this morning to install on OSX unsuccessfully - the idea of the tutorials are for everyone, not just me, but of course i appreciate a lot all help provided! :)
finally installed that library with  'sudo apt-get install python-pyode' - brilliant game, but a bit hard to play at first - is this the issue to be improved?
nitrofurano: Please see the wiki page, where kent and I are discussing changes to the game. If by "hard to play" you mean the controls, yes that's the first issue we're tackling, but you'll see more long-term goals for the game there as well. Please contribute if you have ideas and want in!