FYI: unblanced gameplay in Sinister Duckes
Hey there,I belatedly realise that it's only fair for to me to point out to all of you who are presumably *still playing* Sinister Ducks that it's very very hard to actually die. (ie. let enough enemy ducks bash you on the head so that you run out of feathers and plummet from the sky.) Even if you did - you have infinite lives! So you can just stop playing once you've had enough.
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If you're on a 64 bit system it might take a bit longer, although there's the hope that the heat death of the universe may come to your rescue first.
guest@p4:/mnt/sda1/trabalhos/pygame/recolhas/pyweek/09/pyweek_9_all_torrent/10_BrokenSpell_SinisterDucks0v3_avbin$ python
ALSA lib pcm_pulse.c:626:(pulse_prepare) PulseAudio: Unable to create stream: Invalid argument
python: pcm_pulse.c:361: pulse_write: Assertion `pcm->stream' failed.
is this bug showing some unstability of avbin?