On our entry
Our entry:http://media.pyweek.org/dl/2/SnV/steamrollers.zip
A mirror:
http://www.wardtek.ca/steamrollers.zip (Hosted on our home dsl, so probably slow.)
Please note that the binaries don't suffer from the memory leak problem the source version has.
Windows: http://www.wardtek.ca/steamRollersWin32.zip
Mac: http://www.wardtek.ca/steamrollers.dmg
Due to efforts to cram in last minute features, our uploaded competition entry has several know bugs:
- When you finish a race in two player mode, the game crashes instead of loading the win screen.
- When you finish a race against the computer, the game crashes.
- If you hit the water on the "Banks Ahoy" course, you get stuck and have to exit the level.
- Some tracks really suck for two player. "Par for the Course" starts player two stuck on a wall.
- On some maps player two only needs to do two laps instead of three.
- Repeat course puts you into two player mode.
These are all one or two line fixes, so we will probably do a "not for judging" bugfix release some time soon.
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Mac: (Tiger Only)
Also, if anybody is *really* curious, we have a subversion server you could pull from. Email me to get more info on that. jay@wardtek.ca