Gameplay almost complete

Gameplay is shaping up nicely. You can turn on and off sprinklers, dogs jump on you, old people say "hi there", there is hearing (dogs and old people look in the direction of the sound if they hear something), you can pick up and throw rubber piggies (sound still missing on landing), pass soccer balls and run around screaming if your buddy turns on the sprinkler on you! I'm afraid with all the strange mechanics a hefty tutorial will be necessary, but it will have to wait until tomorrow.
I've also managed to speed up pyglet greatly. Try this:
import pyglet pyglet.options['debug_gl'] = False def zero_errcheck( result, func, arguments ) return result = zero_errcheck
EDIT: Not sure if this does anything, it's possible that something else I did is responsible for the speedup... Starting with python -O sounds good too, thanks, Richard!
Cursor keys move (press SHIFT to strafe), TAB switches, walk into tap to turn, walk into piggy to pick up, click soccer ball to pass, click piggy in inventory to throw. Click and drag (or approach window edge) to pan, mouse wheel zooms.
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