My Game -- Voles
My game will be titled Voles. It is about a bounty hunter named Rachel Mure, who has been asked by the owner of the massive New Edison Martian Arcology, Nathan Lorenzo, to eradicate a band of space pirates that have been raiding the crops of the Arcology's massive arboretum.It will be a fairly fast-paced game, with all sorts of acrobatics, wall-kicks, backflips, and the like. The levels will consist of massive machines that the pirates have built to steal crops.
The levels will be semi-timed. If the player can destroy the machine before it takes in all of the crops on the field it is on, they will recieve a bonus based on how much was left. Otherwise, they can still complete the level, but will recieve a penalty because all of the crops were picked, and have to be consumed or preserved before they rot.
The player will be granted a number of different weapons, including:
- Lasers, both pistol, rifle and cannon
- Plasma Weapons, again, pistol, rifle, and cannon
- Missile launchers
- Machine guns
- Maybe even a flamethrower
- And more!
The player will also have a jetpack, with which they can fly around. This will have limited power, and when it runs out, the player will have to wait for it to recharge.
It will have a skeletal animation system, which I have about a third of the way done.
This game is gonna be real cool! OwO
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