
It's a pity the high number of entries that depend on this or that library: pymunk, pyOpengl, Cocos2d, pyOde, Numpy, pyBox2d and many others... and sometimes even most of them at the same time! It's ok using external dependencies, but why don't those entries create an all-in-one package? They would be much easier to play and rate!

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Perhaps it would be nice if all the dependencies were included somewhere in the torrent, so if they are needed it would be just a matter of linking or copying. Also, some of those dependencies aren't entirely python, so they wouldn't be portable, but maybe in that case there could be one for each major platform.
you can easily endow something with pymunk by dropping the pymunk folder into their gamelib folder. see our game, monkey in a tangle, for a working copy of pymunk that can be copied around.

If you're testing on a mac however you'll need to see my other post: Here. We would have included the dylib in the final distro except we can't predict the architecture of your mac.
I'd love it if everybody would add all the dependencies into their entries. I don't know if there's enough space on the server for storing everything like this (I'd assume there is though..) and I guess those of us with 56k modems might feel left out, but I don't see package size being that much of a problem anymore. I'd rather wait 5s longer for a download than trying to find the right version of a library I've never heard of.
When put aside the music and images that bloated out the biggest entry (40MB) the game dependencies are miniscule.
Yes, sometimes geting dependencies is tiresome.
But, just in case someone have the idea, dont touch anything outside the gamedir. Dont touch site-packages, dont dare to try to launch from your game ez_install or something in the line. Never. Even asking.
(sorry about the barf, but expreses exactly the feeling at the idea someone thinkering with my system libraries)