Time-wasting bugs

You know that bug that consumes (literally) hours to debug? Mine, today, was something like this:

def flip(base):
    class Flipped(base):
        spawn_points = [(600 - x, y) for x, y in base.spawn_points]
    return Flipped

where flip is called on various subclasses of pyglet.sprite.Sprite. Observed behaviour is that instances of the returned class don't seem to have the correct initial position.

I imagine Python gurus like Richard would spot the error pretty quickly. I did not.

Of course, it's also a tad harder when it's not nicely isolated like this :-)

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I can't actually work out what the bug you're referring to is, but the mere idea of transforming classes like that terrifies me.
I feel honour-bound to point out that the previous comment was from me, and not from my teammate who left herself logged in on my laptop.