Progress for Today

Despite my getting all emotional earlier, I have made some progress.

At this point, I just need to finish up the player character code, write the level generator, and then get a menu put together.

Amazing what you can do when you just sit down and write code for a couple hours. It's a habit I should really get into XD

I also have a new collision engine. I've used pygame.sprite, or at least the basic parts of it, which has allowed me to base the collision response on rectangles, which will hopefully make it much more platformer-ish, and less room-full-of-overcaffienated-tourettes-patient-esque. :P

I should have the something playable, not necessarily with menus, settings, or anything, but playable some time tomorrow. I plan to get back to work later today, and maybe pull an all-nighter tonight.

Also, anyone know of a good, idiot-proof IRC client for Linux?
I'd like to get on #pyweek, but I haven't been able to get an IRC client to work. I can never get any of them to connect to a server... ^^;

Any help there would be appreciated.


Never mind on the IRC thing. Someone in another topic just suggested a good one. :P