PyODE Problems!!!

Unbeknownst to me, PyODe has a bug that throws a major monkey wrench in my plans! Using a TriMesh causes a segmentation fault when you try to call space.collide in Ubuntu! I was planning on using a trimesh for the world geometry my characters and objects would move around in, but I might have to change my plans. The only solution I could think of is to maybe use a collection of other collision primitives ... but this doesn't sound very appealing to me.

You can read more about the bug here:

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I've encountered that bug many, many times before when using CrystalSpace. I know your pain.

Yeah, we that bug during our pyweek warmup too. Quite annoying that it trimesh works in windows but not ubuntu. We did try mucking about with building triangles with GeomBox's but it was really really fugly. We ended up limiting ourselves to only GeomBoxes. It did bring us an inadvertent benefit though since gord figured out a nice way to use InkScape as the level editor.