The Dilemma of a Piece of String

So, now what?

The theme I thought would come in dead last won. Heh, guess that means I'mma have to rethink things.

My most complete idea so far is a "Bionic Commando-style" platformer, but I have a few other ideas, not many of them are to my liking, but I'm going to have to pick one eventually.

I like the thought of a steampunk game integrating String/Rope as a gameplay mechanic. I'm not sure how to implement that, though.

The Dilemma for me is thus:Do I do a platformer and have potential issues with programming it, or do I make something wierd and have problems thinking it up even if I can think of something simpler to code?

Grah, it's not something I should be thinking about late at night. DX

All things considered, though it's a tough theme, it kinda lends itself to some fun, whimsical games. I admit, I didn't like it at first, but I can kinda see what the people who ranked it as a high preference of theirs saw in it.

I can't think of anything right now, but I know for a fact that I can think of something fun. ^_^
Just gotta keep plugging away. Keep plugging away.

I'm tired, though. I'm prolly going to go to bed soon. The real design work begins tomorrow.