What is the policy on uploading entries as source?
A quick question from a first-time contestant...Would my scores take a nosedive if I submitted my project's source, a .sh to run it under *NIX, and a .bat to run it under Windows, rather than submitting executables?
I'm only asking because I don't have a Windows box available to me ^^;
I have three Linux boxen, but none with Windows :P
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my experience is that considerably more people will try your entry if you supply an .exe
most users are on windows and double clicking an exe is just very convinient
Thanks for the info.
The wierd library thing shouldn't be a problem for me; I tend to try to use only Python and Pygame in my games (I don't like using obscure libraries :P)
What about a .bat?
You can double-click them, too, to my knowledge...
That and I can't seem to find a utility to make .exe files that works under Linux ^^;
I have py2exe running under a Windows emulator :P
Should've tried that earlier XD
So, back to my earlier idea:Would I be shooting myself in the foot if I submitted my entry as source with a .bat to run in under Windows?
Sorry about all this fuss ^^;
The only thing I ever submit is the source version - never had anyone complain yet :)
it's not only about having one thing to click on (exe/bat) but also the bundling of libraries that py2exe does
this poll should be informative once more ppl take it tools of the trade
I wasn't aware you could run Python scripts by double-clicking them in Windows :P
Linux makes you either enter a command or make a launcher XD
But yeah, if the only advantage to bundling it into an .exe is to bundle in libraries, then I'm fine, I guess. :P
Thanks! ^_^
richard on 2008/08/24 21:51:
Have a look in the Help page "what to submit as your entry".