GEFFA now available for download
After beavering away the last few nights, I'm happy to say that my game library is ready to download! You can get it from the GEFFA project page.
I didn't quite get all the features working as I'd hoped. In the spirit of the PyWeek rules, I'm not going to develop any new functionality until after the competition, although I'd like to fix the spin and toonify routines which are currently broken. Other than that, I'm going to concentrate on improving the documentation, and responding to any questions or bug reports which may come in.
It's a big weight off my mind now it's up on the web. It will be so cool to be able to spend time on the design of the game rather than grappling with the basics, and I think I've done enough now to be able to submit something that functions. I'm developing on MacOSX, but I've tested the download on WinXP, too.
Hope you can take the time to give it a whirl. It only takes five minutes to download and run the demo. I'd be very grateful for any feedback you've got for me! I'm going to be busy catching up on other things for the next few days, but if there are any changes to make I should be able to get another release out in about a fortnight's time.
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Thanks for your suggestion; yes, XML is for data, and XHTML is for documents... What I eventually hope for GEFFA is that you could establish some game or puzzle site (in XHTML), which is browsable, and GEFFA would give you a richer experience on those same pages. So, it's a sort of microformat.
I got the idea after reading the O'Reilly book on RESTful Web Services. I agree it looks a bit odd at the moment, but I'm working towards fleshing it all out. It'll all go in the demo eventually.
I hadn't come across Robot Underground before. I'll definitely check that out. I'm eager to see how the game scripting is done.
Cheers!:-) Our game scripting is done with coroutines, you should check out one of the content modules (say "lib/content/") and the "lib/" module. We're very please with our scripting engine.
Anyway, good luck in the competition!
Just to add to what Chard said, while we are very pleased with our scripting engine, this should be read in the context of "as written iteratively, over the course of a week, for this one purpose". There are certainly things we'd do differently if we were rewriting. The general architecture is, however, in my opinion, sound. I think that's qualified enough.
As for GEFFA, I'm a bit confused as to how it's supposed to be used to make a game, but I look forward to seeing what you come up with!
Hey, tundish. Welcome to the competition.
Its great to see people developing game programming tools, I like a lot of what you've done here but I am confused about one thing. Why are you using XHTML to encode the scene descriptions. Would not a DTD backed XML format be better? I mean XHTML is... well, XHTML, but XML is intended to have specialised dialects (of which XHTML is one). Such formats are just as web deliverable. Have you thought about such an option?