Slow progress... but finally moving ahead...
Well Im way behind. *sigh* Mostly its my fault, although Telstra get some of the blame.The first day went ok with my getting opengl rendering going quite easily.
The next two days were a loss with blending and alpha channels defeating me. *sigh* (Notice the lack of 'game logic' mentioned so far?)
Yesterday was mostly taken with convincing my ISP that our Australian telecom monopoly phone company broke my ADSL link. I had to eliminate everything at my end (including dragging the fileserver into the kitchen to plug directly into the main phone input) before they could even get them to look at it.
Today I made quite good progress. I stopped working on the opengl stuff and went back to a text interface for developing the game logic. Well now I have map loading, path finding and all sorts of goodies.
Its seen here determining what you can see from the room 'K'. It does other stuff too, like path finding along the room paths. Im not sure that it will be fast enough, but hey it works.
I did spend a chunk of time trying to work out why my paths were mostly too lon, only to realise that I was storing the PATH_SO_FAR list but then appending to it later. I should have been saving PATH_SO_FAR[:]. I cant believe I did that. Oh well.
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