Linux issues with Robot Underground
We've had some reports of errors that look like this:
pyglet.image.codecs.ImageDecodeException: Unable to load: maps/controlroom.bmp
This is a problem with pyglet image loading on Linux (I knew we should have tested on Linux). If you want to give us a DNW, that's fine, but if you'd still like to play the game, you can download a set of replacement map files here. Just extract them to the data/maps directory, overwriting the files which are already there. You'll also need to add the following line between lines 20 and 21 of lib/
if pitch > 0: offs -= pitch
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That looks like you haven't installed AVBin.
The music isn't original, it was written by a guy called Ken McLeod, who has a website full of Creative Commons music. We used some of his stuff last time around as well.
while running on ubuntu. latest avbin. with new patches. (i had sound until then)