The Morning After

RoboCute PyWeek Final

Here's the final screenshot. Too bad the final code I uploaded uses a debug level. DOH!

I feel like I have a hangover AND like I got hit by a truck. I guess it's a good thing PyWeek only comes every six months. :)

There are so many talented entries it may take that long to choose the winner!!!

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That's why you get a long time :)
It looks great and I'm excited to play it!

... I run it and get a quick flicker before all I see is a black screen... I can tell it's working otherwise cause my clicks make things print in the console.

Windows Vista, python 2.5, any ideas?
I just tried on mac OS X 10.5, python 2.5.1, and I get an exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 16, in 
  File "/Users/reflexiveentertainment/Desktop/robocute/lib/", line 44, in main
  File "/Users/reflexiveentertainment/Desktop/robocute/lib/robocute/", line 237, in draw
  File "/Users/reflexiveentertainment/Desktop/robocute/lib/robocute/", line 49, in draw
    g.x = node.x
AttributeError: 'Mouse' object has no attribute 'x'
Refer to the RoboCute for President post.

Here is the link to RoboCute at Google Code for people to read about issues, post issues, grab the latest source, etc. Thanks for your interest!