too late?

After finally finding a good idea for this theme (altough you will decide),
and as i started coding just friday evening,
now some hour and a half before the deadline,
i cant upload my 40k file.


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For some reason the upload link has disappeared, even though it only allows md5s. If you go to you can upload a md5 hash of you file, and later submit the unchanged file.
Unfortunately we're having the same problem. As well as not being allowed to upload files, we can't send the MD5 of our final submission either... Just for the record, it is c1f8a75df5ff61923fd8bc0336c23187.
There is no way to upload md5. It always gives the error: """ Server Error (500) There's been an error. It's been reported to the site administrators via e-mail and should be fixed shortly. Thanks for your patience. """
freeglut  ERROR:  Function  called without first calling 'glutInit'.

Couldn't get it to work, sorry. Is there a specific version of glut it requires? I have libglut 3.7 installed from the Ubutnu Gutsy packages

Trying to run it on Windows Vista, Python 2.5 - I installed all the dependencies, my PyOpenGL is a self-build of 2.x - when I try to run I get an error that the "Image" module is not found - where is the "Image" that font uses supposed to come from?
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 15, in 
    import main
  File "C:\development\pyweek\PyWeek6-OtherEntries\1stPlayer0.5\lib\", line 6, in 
    import manager
  File "C:\development\pyweek\PyWeek6-OtherEntries\1stPlayer0.5\lib\", line 2, in 
    import level_screen
  File "C:\development\pyweek\PyWeek6-OtherEntries\1stPlayer0.5\lib\", line 8, in 
    import robot
  File "C:\development\pyweek\PyWeek6-OtherEntries\1stPlayer0.5\lib\", line 8, in 
    import robot_joint
  File "C:\development\pyweek\PyWeek6-OtherEntries\1stPlayer0.5\lib\", line 5, in 
    import string_editing
  File "C:\development\pyweek\PyWeek6-OtherEntries\1stPlayer0.5\lib\", line 4, in 
    import font
  File "C:\development\pyweek\PyWeek6-OtherEntries\1stPlayer0.5\lib\", line 2, in 
    import Image
ImportError: No module named Image
You need the Python Imaging Library (PIL)