We have factories!

Unfortunately I didn't get a chance to get anything done yesterday, but hopefully I can make up for that today. My best idea as of yet is to go for an RTS-style game. My idea was inspired from an episode of Futurama where there's a colony of rebelling robots who need lug nuts.

You will be building the robot colony and managing resources (hopefully there will be some element of "war" via attacking humans, but the game won't be centered around battling but rather around building). It's not going to be a "move your troops around" type game, but more of a "manage your resources and buildings" style (like sim-city).

I hacked out most of a crude engine this morning, hopefully I'll get a chance to get something uploaded tonight. I'm using PyGame and PyOpenGL for all of my rendering and blender to model some simple buildings (using "obj" loader from the PyGame recipes to render the models).

This is my first time trying to rush a game out like this, hopefully I don't waste all of my time on support code (the engine / math routines / etc).

Here's a shot of a "stand-in" (until I get better models) robot factory!