Day 1 - A new challenge begins

Again, it's finally PyWeek time! Robot's the theme that was chosen and we can live with that (though shuffle was our #1 candidate). We will stick to our original idea for this theme [and as far as it looks now, nobody else got the same idea as us - but well, robot ist a veeeery general theme] and made some "little" progress today.. (despite that we did not come out of bed until around noon)

Art: Interface with a lot of buttons and some tiles.
Code: A lot of functions that will later be linked to the buttons were created by Serval - she also started to get this "apathic" look of a zombie programmer again o.o. She currently struggles with a subroutine we wanted to add - seems to make more problems than previously expected.

It does not seem to be a lot, but it is quite a good start - especially as the interface will be the thing the player will see all the time. Nevertheless, there are still a lot of things to do..

ToDo - Art:
- A lot of ground/item tiles which will be used for the level design
- some additional buttons (about 4-6)
- One Splash-Screen
- Title-Screen
- multiple images of various things in various sizes (very vague expression here, beware!)
- Ohter things not captured by the above

ToDo - Code:
- Implementing drawn interface and buttons
- Creating/Improving functions linked to the buttons
- Creating the level-loading routine
- Creating routines to check for level conditions etc.
- A lot more I can't think of.

ToDo - Other:

- Music (?)
- Sound
- Story/Dialogues
- Levels [minimum: 4-5, aspired: 13-15]

So... that's it for a first day in the new PyWeek challenge - a rather calm start and from what are the looks now, we probably will get a decent game done until the challenge ends - if it will be the whole game as planned is hard to tell, but it nevertheless will (hopefully) be enjoyable to play.

Good night and have fun in this competition! - And hopefully there are some more screenshots from your games available tomorrow [if possible more descriptive ones than our screenshot ;)].