A bit of...despair

Well, I'm sad. And need a bit of help. I'm new to python, and when I saw pyglet, I was happy. However, pyglet has let me down. It has no collision :(. I have no idea on how to write my on collision functions, and that alone would take me a week. My other choice if pygame, but I couldn't learn pygame well enough to make anything in the next couple of hours (when pyweek starts). So what should I do? I need advice my friends, and I'm hoping I get it soon. PS - Does pyglet have any hidden collision functions? I'm talking 1.1 here...alpha version.

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Hey Devman:

I use pygame, and I wrote some pygame sprite demos on http://pymike93.googlepages.com/demos.html.

HTH, pymike
Oh wow, thanks! IMHO, the pygame docs...aren't the best. I could find a good sprite tutorial for the life of me. Thanks a lot!
Ok, I did the first sprite tutorial, and it was great (except for the fact it didn't work :/). I understood it all, and pygame doesn't seem quite so scary anymore. Thanks!
It didn't work? Like it wouldn't run?
Sort of, same thing with the other ones to...its missing the key module it says...its a not implemented error.
Oh not good....same thing happens to all the examples to...is the latest release missing a module?
Woah... pygame.key? Try re-installing pygame from here: http://pygame.org/download.shtml
yeah, something is horrible wrong now...it says the function import os, pygame isn't working...uninstall doesn't seem to work either...should I delete the site package and everything pygame related before installing this time?
Yeah try removing pygame then reinstalling.
yup, it works now. Anyway, thanks a bunch for the site and the help.
Awesome! No problem :)
You can pretty easy collision check anything you like. the recangle got rx and ry and rx+width and ry+height and you draw the image of a apple at rx , ry then there is a guy who's position is x and y he moves around. each time he moves you check if x is bigger then rx and smaller then rx+width. and if y is bigger then ry and smaller then ry+width. then ! the guy eat the apple :)