Gamedev Four Elements VI
The Four elements competition at gamedev started today, and I thought that some of the people from pyweek might be interested in other competitions as well:Four Elements (or "4E," as many of us call it) is's biggest annual competition, running for about half a year. We give you four "elements," and you go off and make a game based around them.It runns from "September 27, 2007, at 1000 hours CDT" to "April 3, 2008, at 2300 hours CDT" and the elements (aka pyweek-theme) are Ponies, Accountants, Crystals and Explosions. Even if the competition runns for half a year, it should be possible to put toghether a cool game in a week or so, right? Anyway, it would be cool if there were more python games in the competition..
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realistically: does a 2D game have any chance at the four elements competition?
Since I don't know any good and fast 3D engine that could be programmed using python.... anyway I do not have time.
If you want to try 3d, I suggest that you take a look at python-ogre, a wrapper around the very high quality 3d engine Ogre and other Ogre/game related libraries.