Gamedev Four Elements VI

The Four elements competition at gamedev started today, and I thought that some of the people from pyweek might be interested in other competitions as well:
Four Elements (or "4E," as many of us call it) is's biggest annual competition, running for about half a year. We give you four "elements," and you go off and make a game based around them.
It runns from "September 27, 2007, at 1000 hours CDT" to "April 3, 2008, at 2300 hours CDT" and the elements (aka pyweek-theme) are Ponies, Accountants, Crystals and Explosions. Even if the competition runns for half a year, it should be possible to put toghether a cool game in a week or so, right? Anyway, it would be cool if there were more python games in the competition..

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Whopps, missed the link :) click..

realistically: does a 2D game have any chance at the four elements competition?
Since I don't know any good and fast 3D engine that could be programmed using python.... anyway I do not have time.
DR0ID: If you do find some time I recommend you try out OpenGL. There's some good tutorials out there, and some good books too. Will McGugan's new book (out any day now) has some good coverage of OpenGL in it.
Dr0id: Yes, the last two competition winners were both 2d games! In a way you could say you have a greater chance to win if you go 2d :)
If you want to try 3d, I suggest that you take a look at python-ogre, a wrapper around the very high quality 3d engine Ogre and other Ogre/game related libraries.