Programing: over, next: playing
PyWeek is over. It was absolutely fun!. My final entry is not what I would call a finished product, but it's not bad.
I have a video of my gameI would like to have some features in my final entry but I couldn't make it:
- Sound Effects and Music, this is what gives life to a game, too bad that is not there.
- Map Editor, It's necesary for easily create new worlds
- More Worlds, There are only four of them.
- Two Player Mode: The engine was thinked for this. It's a shame not to have it
- MiniMap.
My final code is kind of ugly. Actually it has some nice parts, but at the end of the challenge I was trying to add new functionality as fast as I can and the result was some ugly code here and there. Nothing that can't be easily refactored.
At the end I didn't use Blender for the graphics, I made some pixel art with The Gimp. Now I'm less afraid of pixel art than before, but I must admit that I still suck as a graphic artist.
Some thing I've learn for my next PyWeek:
- Learn the API that you're going to use before the challenge. I was reading PyGame documentation at the begining of the competition and that made me lose time.
- Leave more time for desing improvement. I was fighting with technical problems until the end of the challenge and I didn't have enought time for tunning the fun factor.
- Don't try new crazy technical ideas. I was trying to implement a weird scroll system, at the end I decided to change it for a traditional tile approach. That made me lose time.
The fun isn't over. No we have to play all the games we've made. Have fun! and be nice judging my game ;)
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