
Last minute disaster recovery. I was doing something that worked by accident on my Linux machine but crashed on windows.

Thanks to Joe for his scepticism.

Oh and while walking back from his house slightly drunk, I figured out what was causing my performance problem. Back to 60fps for me!

I think the word is "woohoo". If that's a word.

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on ubuntu 7.04 with python2.5.2 I can't start the game. First it complained about pygame.error not known in texturefont.py so I added "import pygame" there. Now I get this error:
File "/home/simon/Desktop/PYWEEK ENTRIES/vracers-0.6.22.zip_FILES/vracers-0.6.22/lib/tdlib/texturefont.py", line 138, in render
ValueError: Unable to convert object to array, i.e. possible empty sequences or items that are not numbers.
That's very odd. It works for me, but maybe try replacing the offending line with:
  if not string:  # catch empty sequence
    string = " "
  GL.glCallLists( ord(c) for c in string ) # convert to ints
It may be a PyOpenGL version/ctypes thing.
with a slight change, that worked now:
        if not string:  # catch empty sequence
            string = " "
        GL.glCallLists( [ord(c) for c in string] ) # convert to ints
But spaces in text look like a fat | ... no show breaker.