Second day finished and it already looks cool. :)

We started yesterday with a meeting over Team-Speak. I had an idea in my head, that I had written down on our wiki, which we decided to go for. The design changed quite a bit during the discussion though, which is cool. :)

The concept is, and I quote: "The concept in Steam Empire is to build a network of railroads between industries in order to make a lot of money."

In other words, Railroad Tycoon Light. :)

We started coding yesterday. Decided to use PGU because it had a hex rendering engine, which is just awesome for games like our game. Although I was afraid we would have to use something else last night, cause I couldn't get it working properly. I solved that this morning though, so now (we just managed to add GUI widgets too) there should be no more technical problems left, I hope.

Today I've mainly been working on the rendering of the railroad tracks. I had to draw hex tiles for a lot of different situations (where a rail comes from the top left and goes to the bottom, for example). I finally got it working a couple of hours ago, and you can see the screenshot in our entry home. It's pretty cool, clicking out rails and watching them connect automatically. :)

Now comes the tricky part I guess (even though it hasn't been all easy getting here): implementing the game logic.