Pollinator - day 1

Twisted was my least favorite theme, but after some thinking I came up with a game concept which fits the bill well enough and can hold my interest. It's quite experimental and it will be a challenge to see whether I can turn it into a fun game, but here goes.

I wanted to regale you with a screenshot of what I did so far, but the pyweek site wasn't cooperating (said I didn't put in the required file, but that was the screenshot itself!). I've uploaded it on my own server for now, and here it is:

It may be the screenshot isn't entirely obvious. :) The game is intended to be simulating the development of countries on a planet in a period of over hundreds of years. Country borders change over time.

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Hrm. Problems uploading files?? Have you tried the upload script that comes with skellington?
You mean I should use an upload script to upload a screenshot? Does it even support uploading screenshots? I mailed you about it, by the way.
Just tried the upload script. It does support screenshots; should've checked, my apologies. This appears to work. Still weird that the web validation is completely broken, though. Is it supposed to fail with a validation error?
Web upload definitely broken: validation error saying file field is required (even though a file was provided).