day 1?

So i kinda like this python thingo - its supermegafunrad... or something. Anyway my original idea was a 3d rotating marblemadness crossed with some maze game.. or one of those old ball maze jobbies.
I prob wont have time to finish - but thats ok.. its the journey that counts.. right. right?

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indeed :)


Even though I am still trying to finish in time (which would be by Thursday because I won't be online after that until Monday), I am also prepared to face things if I can't finish in time.

I guess I would still release the game once it is finished, I will definitely salvage its code for the things I need when I work on the bigger, proper RPG engine (with all the nifty features I have to leave out of this one :) :) :) )

So, yes, I agree that just participating in all of this is really fun and exciting, and it is also a good encouragement to continue working, even if, for instance, the standard wxWidget manual forgot to mention the quite useful class wxVideoMode :) :) :)

So, cheers to you and all the other participants.
