Day #1

After a morning of wandering around my room thinking of ideas I finally settled on something.

The plan is to have a game of seveal levels. Each level consists of a vector field, some power-ups, walls, and the finishing flag, with other obsticals that I think up along the way. The player can control the disk by rotating the vector feild. Some parts can be rotated, while What I currently have is a disk that flies around, with frictional collisions on walls and possiblilty for rotation. I also have a (basic) system in which I can create levels consisting of gravity wells, spinners, walls, and fixed feilds. Tomorrow I plan to create a first test level with a finsihing post and a few walls to see how it goes.

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Oh God this hurts my eyes so much it's not even funny.
Damn, I think my eyes are actually bleeding
Am I the only one who doesn't want a White Dress?
Am I the only one who doesn't want a White Dress?