The “Most multiloquent villain” Award

Presented by Cosmologicon to:

Temporal Anomaly (mit-mit-32)
When Captain Aurora Stars arrives on a derelict science ship, she finds herself trapped in a never-ending time loop: Can she use her knowledge of the loop to defeat her arch-nemesis, save the day and escape?

Requires: Python Arcade, Pygame and Pymunk

(tested on Arcade 2.5.5, pygame 1.96 and pymunk 6.0.0: should be OK on other versions? :) )

pip install arcade pygame pymunk

Version 2 (Final Game) includes a bug-fix for panel text not rendering correctly on all systems.

Game playing notes:

  • Once in-game, press ESC to pause and see both controls and any in-game notes: if you get stuck, the notes should tell you both what you need to do next and any crucial information you might have mis-heard or forgotten.
  • I've experienced a few issues with Arcade/user input latencies with a macbook trackpad, but seems to be no problems with the mouse: so suggest you use a mouse if you have a similar issue!

Game Play-through: