The “I really liked it!” Award

Presented by Shyr to:

InfinityCoaster (InfinityCoaster)
source code:
Woundabout (Universe Factory 32)

Please play and rate v2 if you are using pygame 2.0+. v1 has a bug (thanks to mauve for reporting it!) that causes some game objects to not appear in pygame 2.0. Other than the bugfix the gameplay is identical between versions, so if you're on pygame 1.9 then v1 should be fine too.

Snake-like action game about eating your own tail. Control with keyboard. I recommend completing Adventure mode, it's basically a tutorial, and should take about 15 minutes. Endless mode is much harder after a few stages, and you should feel free to judge the game without trying it. Press Esc in the game for options and help, and check out the README for strategy tips. Thanks for trying it out!

How it fits the theme: This game's central mechanic is inspired by the ouroboros, a symbol representing infinity and eternity.

BEE Quick (AK_472)
A Neverending game where you are bee that collects nectar from flowers while avoiding wasps created for the pyweek game jam 32, 2021.9
Lil Miss Vampire (Team Behrens)

A world that scrolls infinitely in any direction, an RPG-like UI, and simple, real-time fighting.

World view

Battle view

My younger kids and I built this entry for PyWeek 32 based on the theme "Neverending".

The key innovations are:

  • It has a neverending world. As the player walks along, it picks up tiles and places new ones invisibly. It uses an LRUDict to remember the last million tiles you've seen. This matches real life in that if you go back to a place after 20 years, it'll look different than when you first saw it.
  • The user interface was inspired by Super Mario RPG, but the fighting mechanics are purposely realtime. It's a lot like if you were playing Street Fighter, but all you were allowed to do was use a fast punch, a slow punch, or block. It's a little bit like roshambo.

The gameplay:

  • As you know, the life of a vampire is neverending. Hence, Lil Miss Vampire can never die. Her goal is the same as every vampire's goal: to grow in strength, which she does by vanquishing enemies.
  • As she gets further away from the origin, the enemies get harder. As she gains in strength, her attacks get stronger. If you just walk around, you slowly lose strength.
  • Walk around by using the arrow keys. When you're in a battle, there are instructions on the screen.
  • There's a fun dynamic where you can get a hint as to what the opponent is going to throw at you, so you can try to counter it. Both attacks and blocks have a cool-down period during which you are vulnerable.
  • If, for some reason, you can't move in the beginning, just restart the game.

The code:

  • The code is pretty pleasant. I made use of lots of new features in the latest Python, and I built a pretty decent developer experience.
  • It's built on the excellent arcade library which has exceptionally good documentation, tutorials, and examples.
  • I used type annotations everywhere, and I enforced them via mypy. I made extensive use of `typing.NamedTuple` which gives it a nice, immutable, well-typed flavor.
  • I used black to format the code during check-in.
  • There are extensive unit tests for the models. And there are git hooks to keep everything sane.
  • Running `make iterate` will reformat the code, run mypy to enforce types, run the unit tests, and then launch the game.


  • I built the game with two of my kids, Giovanni and Greggory.
  • I walked them through building some of the initial screen elements. Then, I built all the hard parts like the `Geography` class and `TimedWorkflowExample`.


  • Obviously, it would have been better with some custom artwork, some sounds, and a lot more animations.
  • Note that the arcade library requires OpenGL 3.3 and thus won't currently run on a Raspberry Pi.


Install Python 3.9.7. I used pyenv on a Mac, but you can do whatever suits you:

brew update && brew upgrade
pyenvpyenv install 3.9.7
# Restarted my shell.

Setup a virtualenv using the right version of Python. I used pyenv, but that's optional:

pyenv global 3.9.7
python --version
python -m venv ~/.virtualenvs/pyweek32-neverending
pyenv global system
python --version

Go to where you uncompressed the code and install requirements:

cd pyweek32-neverending
. ~/.virtualenvs/pyweek32-neverending/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt


. ~/.virtualenvs/pyweek32-neverending/bin/activate


git clone
cd pyweek32-neverending
. ~/.virtualenvs/pyweek32-neverending/bin/activate
make help
make setup_githooks
make iterate

Untitled (Untitled)
We are very skilled progammers who each have 60+years of experience with python and have been full stack devs since before cars were invented. We even helped program the first ever video game called chess.