The “we are dancing” Award

Presented by speedlimit35 to:

SPI-COP (Gonna fail epically)
    - COP

 STORY / HowTo:

 A highly wanted criminal is on the run
 due to his high rank in the local community,
 it would be too risky to make a move on him
 during the day.

 You as the new recruit have been asked to
 have an eye on him during the day, to learn
 his habits, to be able to capture him during
 the night.
 At night the criminal seems to have changed the clothes,
 but you know his movement pattern, speed and size,
 this will finally put an end to this crimes.

 Easy mode: put him in jail, if you capture the wrong
            person you loose points till you are fired.

 Hard mode: get rid of the criminal directly, wrongly
            shot pedestrians will make you get fired

in short:
   - day: find the one (by description), and remember [his speed, his size, his walk path]
   - night: find the one with the same  [speed, size, walk path]

2nd game,
1st time in Python and 1st time in a game jam,
..hopefully have a lot of fun.

Programmers: Green_boyY, MasterPice
Artists: MasterPice
The-ones-that-are-bad-at-their-jobs: Green_boyY, MasterPice