The “That doesn't count as a goat reference” Award

Presented by rdb to:

The lost goat (The lost goat)
A little game on the theme of Castaway where you need to answer questions to escape an island

There is a little issue on Linux, since it is case sensitive, so here are the steps to fix it: (as suggessted by

chmod +x assets/fonts/
mv -iv assets/fonts/Noto_Sans_JP/NotoSansJP-Medium.otf assets/fonts/Noto_Sans_JP/NotoSansJp-Medium.otf 
mv -iv assets/cpu.png assets/CPU.png
mv -iv assets/keyboard\ and\ mouse.png assets/Keyboard\ and\ mouse.png 
mv -iv assets/motherboard.png assets/Motherboard.png 
mv -iv assets/phone\ battery.png assets/Phone\ Battery.png 
mv -iv assets/wifi\ card.png assets/Wifi\ Card.png 
mv -iv assets/scientific\ calculator.png assets/Scientific\ Calculator.png 
mv -iv questions/Keyboard\ and\ Mouse questions/Keyboard\ and\ mouse