The “Raising standards in Pyweek innovation award” Award

Presented by ldle to:
Myna Weft Golf (Greg the Incomprehensible) | |
My Two Fang Elf My Wet Fog Flan My New Flag Frog My Wet Golf Fan Elf Got My Fawn My Waffle Tong Weft My Flagon Myna Weft Golf <-- Okay, this is it That piece of yarn looks nice... it would make a great lining for a nest! But it's all strewn about... I'll have to roll it up before I can take it home... |
The Unfortunate Undoing (Cine-Science Logic 2) | |
Live. Go to work. Live. Have a family or don't. Live. Let the could have beens haunt you. Live. A pseudo-adventure rumination on life. |