April 2011 challenge: “Nine Times”
DancingRobots - The Tech
Posted by ArmchairArmada on 2011/03/18 00:29
I decide that I might use this upcoming PyWeek to play around with Python Ogre. I have some experience using Ogre, Bullet, and a few of the other libraries in C++, so I don't think that this is going to be too difficult. I expect it be a lot more fun than using PyGame since I use it so often and there is little left for me to learn about it.
Pwning Enlightenment - EFL (aka Exponential Frustration Levels)
Posted by killdream on 2011/03/17 22:31
So, I've finally got some time to experiment with the Enlightenment Foundation Libraries (EFL). And I have to say... the almost complete lack of any little documentation out there makes it hard to get started, only not that much.
Regarding the state of the existing documentation, most of it is outdated, but so far the concepts seems to apply still, so it's not as bad as it could be. Still, is quite some annoyance.
Thus, the only options left were looking through the really few actual examples (the Python-EFL bindings comes with a few examples, which were quite helpful), and reading both the bindings and the C source code.
Today I've played around a bit with the Ecore and Evas libraries, which are the "lower" level stuff. Ecore provides system interfacing, including mainloops, timers and such. And Evas is the stateful canvas.
Both are actually pretty simple to grasp, for abstracting quite a lot of things away, once you get around the problem of the lack of human-readable documentation. I specially liked the Evas way of doing things, not having to worry about rendering pipelines and optimizations, redrawing, and all those things really makes all the code a lot simpler, concise and sweet :3
Anyways, here's a simple pong game I've put together using the Python bindings for EFL. It's still a bit rough on the edges (and the collision handling is really awful), but should show a bit of how things work in the library. It's also somewhat well commented — for the parts regarding the libraries, at least.
Regarding the state of the existing documentation, most of it is outdated, but so far the concepts seems to apply still, so it's not as bad as it could be. Still, is quite some annoyance.
Thus, the only options left were looking through the really few actual examples (the Python-EFL bindings comes with a few examples, which were quite helpful), and reading both the bindings and the C source code.
Today I've played around a bit with the Ecore and Evas libraries, which are the "lower" level stuff. Ecore provides system interfacing, including mainloops, timers and such. And Evas is the stateful canvas.
Both are actually pretty simple to grasp, for abstracting quite a lot of things away, once you get around the problem of the lack of human-readable documentation. I specially liked the Evas way of doing things, not having to worry about rendering pipelines and optimizations, redrawing, and all those things really makes all the code a lot simpler, concise and sweet :3
Anyways, here's a simple pong game I've put together using the Python bindings for EFL. It's still a bit rough on the edges (and the collision handling is really awful), but should show a bit of how things work in the library. It's also somewhat well commented — for the parts regarding the libraries, at least.
Pluto the 9th Planet - Team Logo
Posted by ilseppia on 2011/03/11 09:26