
I am a sophomore at Shawnee State University. My major is Digital Simulation and Game Engineering Technologies. Our game engineering degree is a growing one, so most people probably haven't heard of us. I've had an interest in game design since seventh or eighth grade. After reading book upon book on game design theory, I found Shawnee State University and got my first taste of programming there. As of now, my experiences with game programming include:

- Python/Pygame
- Beginning to learn basics of python-ogre
- Fundamentals of C

Other non-programming experiences include:

- Very basics of Blender
- Very basics of Maya 8.5

As time goes on at school, I hope to learn more about the game design process as well as a variety of tools and languages. I also hope to use pyweek as a tool for learning how to pace myself when working on a game development project.


PyWeek Game Team Rating
6 Shawnee State Army of Hair Shawnee State Army of Hair DNF