PyWeek - wreckgar - feedback

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at least there's a game in here.

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moving the character is very difficult

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Nice! Short and simple as this game is, I had some fun. I like the simplicity of the idea.

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Firstly, I run dual monitor - full screen with dual monitor puts your tiny little game window straddling the monitors and makes it unplayable. After commenting out the fullscreen line it worked fine though. Potentially fun little game, but character control was sluggish, felt like it was a really slow ice rink, which basically destroyed it.

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What is wrong with the cat? Why doesn't it stop defecating? The game should be about taking this cat to a veterinary.

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Didn't like the controls very much; they felt very unnatural. If the controls had been done better I might have enjoyed this game a lot more. Now it just plays as low-par as it looks.

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hehe funny!

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the controls were very loose you didn't seem to have much control

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Not really much of a game here. Vaguely fun while it lasts though. Would have been nice if the controls (well, just one control) had been explained in-game.

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Pretty nice, actually. Although the contols are kind of unintuitive.. I found it hard to move the gardener out of the mower's way. ;)

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That cat freaking cheats.

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Movement controls are weird and hard to use.

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kinda fun, but could do with a lot more work

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Worst controls ever! But I managed to win :).

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The controls are quite bad, sorry...