PyWeek - Ministry of Truth - feedback

Fun Prod Inno Disq N/W Comments
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Nicely done. The story is intruiging. Unfortunately I didn't get very far into it as it seemed
to be a bit random to determine how to proceed. But well done in the time available.

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I had the feeling the correct decisions can only be found randomly. It also feels really short.
The difficulty with this kind of game is that each decision double the amount of work for the
creator without increasing the final time the game will take.

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Choose-your-own-adventure with graphics and text. I seem to have exhausted all the possible
branches and there wasn't much to it--then again, I can't be sure, because there are no cues as
to when you've found new branches / left stones unturned. No "you have 6 points out of a possible
50" or anything. I gather the game is kind of unfinished.

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no sound nor music and a bit short seems rather unfinished

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There wasn't much here, but the story was engaging. It would be better if you saw the action
descriptions without right-clicking; the plot only made sense with them.

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Seems like maybe there was the beginnings of an interesting story but I couldn’t figure out how
to get further into the game than the Red Lion … I think I tried all combinations.

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Cool start to an idea but it feels like it needs more content. I like the help system for options
to get hints. I must be missing something, because I found it impossible to both get the paper
and make it to the Red Lion. And looking at the level file it seems like you need to do both of these
in a single game. Maybe I could use more hints.

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1 1 1 yes

I got an error message about json to boot. I struggled with it for a while, and gave up. I read the
source code for the story.

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I like this game and I really want to complete it but it is currently a bit bugged. You may want to
check out the RenPy engine, it is for making games like this. Its really hard to read the tiny
text and looking at your data I can see it didn't always display all of it. From what I can tell
from the game data, with the way the options are set up, you can't gather all of the clues needed
from Josiah's room in order to progress in the game. Overall, I think it is a neat game and I would
love to play the rest of it if you patch it.

1 1 1 yes

except FileNotFoundError: NameError: global name 'FileNotFoundError' is not defined put
in a variable that is not built into python