
The retro red planet of risk

I haven't had a chance to look at Pygame before this week(!) and have never made a game before, so my sole aim was just to make "something" and to learn how to use Pygame a bit.


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Ratings (show detail)

Overall: 2.4
Fun: 2.2
Production: 2.5
Innovation: 2.4

Respondents: 13


File Uploader Date
Final entry
smithy 2022/09/11 10:16
smithy 2022/09/10 22:01

Diary Entries

Done! (sort of)

I hadn't made a game before and didn't know how to use Pygame this week, so the sole aim here was to make something that runs, even if it's not very good or fun. It's all been very rushed because I haven't had too much time to work on this, plus have also had to learn the basics of Pygame.

There are lots of things I would have liked to have added but just didn't have time to do or to learn how to do, such as adding sound effects.

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