PyWeek - Sporkful of Pork - feedback

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2 4 4

I like the basic mixing mechanic. The game is a little too much trial-and-error though.

3 3 3

Nice and stylish, I like the simple gameplay. I guess I'm not very good at these kinds of games,
because I'm pretty much just guessing what goes together. It would be great to have some way to
get hints or something, because otherwise it's just a ton of clicking through every

3 2 4

no sound worked in chrome, firefox did not work

3 3 3

reminds me a bit of Doodle God :-). I found the interface a bit unresponsive. Good point for me is
the clear instructions up front

1 3 3

Not able to play since the broswer changes page showing the card image when dragging the cards.

3 4 3

Cards and gameplay are well done.

Mechanics feel overly random. Early on, one cycles card hoping to get the cards needed for
fire, and then hope to get enough combos to win. Successes thus feel as if they're the result of
pure luck, rather than built on good decisions,

This was also very sensitive to the choice of browser, which made it a bit annoying to get

4 4 4

I really like the idea. Sometimes the drag and drop interface is a little bit annoying, and the
game can be difficult sometimes.

2 3 3

I liked the idea of using HTML + JS for the user interface, it did work very well.
Congratulations. I'm not very good with this kind of game because I failed to craft many things
(compost, go me!) :(

5 5 4

Really clever method to create a long lasting gameplay. I cheated the entire time and still
found it incredibly difficult + fun and rewarding.

2 4 3

I really liked the concept, but it became more of an effort in trying each card against each
other card. I couldn't figure out how to craft many things by then end. I don't know how to
improve this without spoiling the game. Then again, I totally opened up and poked
around. :)

1 3 2

Grinding away at cards using a seemingly unlimited system of trial and error just to get turned
down every single time is a pretty big negative to this game. Can you even make anything more
than the spear? I couldn't figure out anything. It's nice looking, though, but it's just
unplayable beyond anything substantial.

2 4 4

Looks great, but I didn't really enjoy it.

3 3 3

Searching for recipes gets a bit frustrating; often nothing I do seems to make any progress.