PyWeek - Sparkles - feedback

Fun Prod Inno Disq N/W Comments
3 2 4

Nice idea, cute visuals. Far too simple and short, though. v0.0.2 seems to be missing files:
Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 3, in
sparkles.__main__.main() File "sparkles-0.0.1/sparkles/", line 357, in
main load_level(current_level) File "sparkles-0.0.1/sparkles/", line 460,
in load_level things = pickle.load( open('level'+str(level_number), 'rb') ) IOError:
[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'level1'

3 2 4

no sound

2 2 4

It seemed very easy to get the beams into the right place, then it was just a case of diluting them
into the right proportions, so it would very quickly need more sophisticated components to
build challenging puzzles - splitters, refractors and so on. Great idea, very promising.
Needed more levels than just the 5 on Github, of course.

1 1 2

I had no idea how to do anything, even after reading the readme, nothing did anything. It was
also really hard to play because of the flickering graphics.

2 2 3

I'd like to see this concept fleshed out. As is, it's not very playable, but it makes for an
interesting demo of what is possible. I hope to see you next PyWeek. IF I run 0.0.2, I get:
loading level 1 Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 3, in
sparkles.__main__.main() File
"/home/andy/Downloads/pyweek/sparkles-0.0.1/sparkles/", line 357, in
main load_level(current_level) File
"/home/andy/Downloads/pyweek/sparkles-0.0.1/sparkles/", line 460, in
load_level things = pickle.load( open('level'+str(level_number), 'rb') ) IOError:
[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'level1'

2 3 4

Nice idea. More documentation of the controls would have been helpful. More puzzles would
have been good too.

1 1 1 yes

I was intrigued by the project description. But I don't understand the gameplay. I got some
pink lines. And I extended the green line segments. The console printed a lot of: File
"\sparkles-0.0.1\sparkles\", line 430, in on_mouse_press rollback()
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'rollback' referenced before assignment Would like to
see it work!

2 2 3

Has potential but not too fun on its own. Took too much trial and error to get the colour just
right. Also I crashed the game somehow Traceback (most recent call last): File
"", line 3, in sparkles.__main__.main() File
"/home/mat/Downloads/sparkles-0.0.1/sparkles/", line 453, in main File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/pyglet/app/", line
264, in run EventLoop().run() File
"/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/pyglet/app/", line 83, in run
window.dispatch_platform_event(e) File
"/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/pyglet/window/xlib/", line 1169, in
dispatch_platform_event event_handler(e) File
"/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/pyglet/window/xlib/", line 1425, in
_event_button x, y, button, modifiers) File
"/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/pyglet/window/", line 1217, in
dispatch_event EventDispatcher.dispatch_event(self, *args) File
"/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/pyglet/", line 340, in dispatch_event if
handler(*args): File "/home/mat/Downloads/sparkles-0.0.1/sparkles/",
line 430, in on_mouse_press rollback() UnboundLocalError: local variable 'rollback'
referenced before assignment

1 2 3

Nice wife.

3 1 2

I agree with your assessment. It is not much now, but may have some potential. It is missing
essential components for now. Walls maybe, that only a specific color can cross? A prism to
split colors?

2 2 2

I think it could become something really cool. But not now...

1 2 1

Well, there's not a whole lot to this game. It seems quite simple, and it's not a clear
connection to "Mad Science". The idea seems okay for a puzzle game, and maybe with some well
thought out levels it would be fun. But I'm worried that the color-matching is a bit subtle.
It's hard to tell exactly how far off you are, at least in level 1.

3 3 4

good idea, but only one level...

1 2 2

Once this is finished it could be a corker. Remember in Mad Science things beams don't have to
just reflect. They could weaken in strength, overpower other beams, go through a
teleporter... anything you can sensibly imagine.