PyWeek - Nelly's Rooftop Garden - feedback

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5 4 5

This is the best steam I've seen.

5 3 4


5 5 4

The best theme implementation. Good game too.
- Factory

4 4 5

What a cool game!

5 5 5

Really great game, perfect in it's style! Adding some more elements and challenging stages will make it even greater I think.

Great work, congratulations!

4 4 5

Nice and "masculine" ;-) but a very innovative (and fun) game!

4 4 4

Fun? Definitely. Innovation? Well, that too. And the production ain't too bad either. It's a great game with interesting puzzles, one of the very best of the competition.

5 5 5

Very fun game

5 5 5

Absolutely superb!

4 4 5

Very nice steam physics and fun to play. One of the best games in this PyWeek.

5 5 5

Almost perfect except for the lack of music and sound effects! And I still can't justify
anything less than Exceptional! Lots of fun, will definitely be playing it again!

4 3 3

very nica game.

4 5 4

Great idea and great implementation!

5 4 5

I think I'm addicted to this game! Awesome!

5 4 5

Really good, interesting, fun puzzle game. I admit, I would see screenshots and be like "what the hell?" but you pulled it off. Good work.

One thing it could have benefitted from is more fine grained position calculation (or at least position drawing). I don't if that's because I have a slow system, though.

Another thing it could have improved is more danger, say a timer or limited steam.

4 5 5

Wonderful game. Innovative, well produced, stable. Works great.

5 5 5

Fantastic work, and a great idea. Very impressive.

5 4 4

This game reminds me of the Incredible Machine, only with steam...

Would be nice to have real level selection/loading, as I don't like writting down passwords. Maybe a few new pieces to play with would be interesting, but the lack of save/load is the only noticeable flaw in this program.

5 5 5

OMG this game is awesome. SEriously you are going to win. You've got a complete game right here. Seriously if you added a ton of levels, polished the graphics a bit more and added a few more features(fans, cacti, weeds) I think it would be something worth buying.

5 5 5

I really enjoyed playing this game. It recalls me the good-old incredible toons feeling. Awesome!

4 3 5

one of the first compo entries i've ever seen in a compo that was innovative and fun! very nice work!

4 4 5

This game reminds me a bit of The Incredible Machine, which is a very good thing because it's one
of my favorite games of all time. This game is similar in that you need to build a chain of events
from basic tools that will allow some result to happen. In this case you need to water some
plants. It's pretty fun, although it's a bit less "puzzle-like" than TIM, since there are
mostly several solutions. Some more elegant, some less elegant. It's still pretty fun, but
you often get the feeling that you didn't come up with the right solution, especially when you
don't even use all the tools that have been given to you. This might be avoided with careful
puzzle design. The graphics are very nice, although the style could be unified more, since
some parts look more realistic and some more cartoony. I like the cartoony stuff best, so I hope
that gets improved in the future. Oh, and one thing; I guess it gives me a bit of nostalgia of TIM,
but I have a big hard drive, so I really don't want to use passwords in a computer game. I hope the
next version has savegames.

5 4 5

One of the better games in the contest/challenge. Would have been fun with more types of objects, but you can't ask for too much in a one-week contest. :)

4 3 3

good game play.. it was really fun to play quite addictive.

4 3 5

WOW. How incredible is this game! With a level editor and all.

3 4 4

The most clever entry that I have seen so far. I love the steam, although the water could use some

4 4 5

Quite neat.

4 5 5

Superb game, and definitely my favourite of the bunch. Production wise, it's been well thought out, and the controls are both simple and effective, very intuitive.

Certainly the most complete game of the week, as well as the most innovative.

The puzzles could maybe do with being a little more involving/testing, and it's very much a case of keeping trying until you get there, but I'm sure additional predefined levels will be available before long.

4 4 4

Quite a good game. A real challenge on some of the later levels.

An interesting number of game play objects.

Very nice graphics that suited the game well. How cute are those flowers?!?!

It could be improved with some music and some songs. As well as by improving the way you turn
pieces. Also I kept trying to drag pieces onto the table. Rather than selecting them first.
Some screen inbetween the levels could show the player their overall progress. You probably
knew about these possible improvements anyway :)

Well done! I'll be paying this game again.