PyWeek - Camel Walrus Studios - feedback

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3 3 2

good game

1 2 1

Nice try ;)

2 2 2

press left mouse button to fire the ducks!? crashed after intro (index out of bounds...)

2 2 2

looks like there was a plan for much more of a game, but there's not a lot in the final entry.

2 4 2

Aww. I really wanted to see this game finished. Great art, very nice intro, and a simple yet fun idea. Peeking at your data directory, it appears that you made significantly more than you used in the game (you didn't even use your isometric thing, and I like isometric). I don't know how tight on time you were, but I think it would have been good if you had managed to make some levels for the game the way it is.<br>
I got a "This means something is very wrong. And jakob is too tired to fix it..." :) And I only noticed now that there are three levels... It didn't occur to me before that I had to destroy all buildings to continue. Anyway, nice job on what you managed to finish. :)<br>

4 3 3

fun but a bit buggy. I got a lot of crashes :-/

Looking forward to a bugfix release :-)

3 3 3

I controlled a big white quare that shot missles

3 4 3

seeing a litle more far can be better ?

2 3 1

A little more work would have made something really fun, but it's hard to rate a game well that's over in ten seconds.

1 2 1

Not sure what im supposed to do - and then I cant find anything to shoot.

1 2 1

Very unstable - whilst I got it working it crashed many, many times, with a different error every time. (64 bit Linux)

3 4 3

Sweet artwork but (sadly) the game itself is quite unfinished. It's a little fun, though... Maybe you'll polish it after Pyweek?

2 3 4

Well put together but unfortunately unfinished. Love the error message that it says jakob is too tired to fix.

2 3 2

Shows promise. The intro artwork is very nice.

2 2 2

Lots of ominous error messages, as well as crashes. =|

1 2 1

Too bad it didn't come together. I hope I will get to see your ideas in a fuller shape next PyWeek!

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1 1 1

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Short and incomplete.

3 4 3

So the game is rather limited, their appears to be just two troops and a gun turret to kill. Still
kind of fun.

2 2 4

Definitely not ready, right? The story is nice but currently this game is really bad. Especially this looping sound is... ;(

2 2 2

I didn't know where I was going. I needed a map!

2 2 1

It seems there are a lot of unused code and resources. It's a pity you couldn't put it all together, I like your idea.

Also it crashes sometimes:
File "/home/kent/src/pw8/baahtallion-0.0/gamelib/", line 119, in update
File "/home/kent/src/pw8/baahtallion-0.0/gamelib/", line 171, in update
File "/home/kent/src/pw8/baahtallion-0.0/gamelib/", line 183, in die
ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list