
Escape from room

Requered: Python 3.3(maybe work on other versions) Pygame 1.9(maybe work on other versions) Tiledtmxloader by DR0ID(if doesn't work add = in tiledtmxloader.helperspygame.SpriteLayer.__init__() after line 208) Controles: Arrows, Shifts, Ctrls, Space, Letter i, Escape, Numbers


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knowledge 2014/10/12 19:49

Diary Entries

Day 1

Theme was OK for me.

I didn't do much things only this one row in Notepad:

One Room - You can go anywhere but in your mind you are always in one room.

Today I added some lines in Notepad:

You in your mind (in further contest brain) control you in reality (in further contest you)
and you affect on your brain

Most of people have something like this:

You are in one room, you must escape from that room and monsters are attacking you.

And because of that I'm thinking about something opposite (because it's one of the ways to have weird game):

You are monster, you must escape from that room and people are attacking you.

I'm not really sure how will I use this with current idea, but it might be cool.

I also created some art: brain, monster (player), texture for house, texture for inside brain...

If you ever ask why I use zombies/k-borgs/monsters in my games here is the answer:

Creating human character is so hard, it looks like monster or zombie when I finish it
so I always use monsters or zombies; I just try to create human and I'm done with art

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Day 2

Today I did walls for brain
and I started to do some other things like:
levers and fixing some bugs!

Really little amount of things

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Day 3

I had school today, so I didn't do much things, but I:

  • fixed some bugs
  • added gravity
  • clear picture of game in my mind

First screenshot will probably be on Day 4

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Day 4

Wardrobes and shelves added.

Picture of what I'm doing is really clear now

I tried to add books but it has some bugs, so maybe next day (5th)

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Day 5

I didn't do much things today because I had school.

But I improved shelves and wardrobes.

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Day 6

I added investigating, choosing books and so on.

But there is still much thing to do for Day 7:

  • reading
  • lab
  • more books
  • other things in wardrobe
  • some abilities:
    • reading
    • karate
    • levitating
    • cooking
    • turning on
    • engineering
  • escaping room
  • bug fixing
  • main menu updating
  • sounds adding
  • music adding
  • Easter egg ?

Yes I know it's a lot of things, but maybe I will do majority.
(or maybe minority)

I hope you will like game!

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Fail??? or not???

So I didn't upload my game here, I forgot

Please play my game and rate it.

So my next Game Jam will be 96h Game Jam with rules (I made it) so if you want to make some games (it's experimental).

In your mind imagine me and throw brick on me!
Or piano.

Or Statue of Liberty

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