Still not a game, but one could almost be fooled into thinking it is.


Will I be able to burn the candle from both ends?


Where's the Game award
Presented by myke

Peaceful Afterburner
Presented by Woodwolf

"Wish it was complete" Award
Presented by pymike

Knows the lambda
Presented by T-002

Pyglet rocks award!
Presented by htormey

Give this entry an award


Ratings (show detail)

Overall: 2
Fun: 1.6
Production: 2.6
Innovation: 1.9

Respondents: 21


File Uploader Date
I'll call this a wrap. Mission of getting the hang of pyglet basics accomplished.
skaro 2009/05/02 20:56
Screenshot-Starfire LawnDoctor Gaiden Densetsu-1.png
Still not a game, but one could almost be fooled into thinking it is.
skaro 2009/05/02 20:53
Screenshot-Starfire LawnDoctor Gaiden Densetsu.png
skaro 2009/05/02 05:21
Well, there's grass.. and rocks.
skaro 2009/05/02 05:18

Diary Entries

Better late than never

Not really going to have much time to work on this until after Weds. Oh well :) More time to let the imagination wander and ferment. Working title for a 2.5D rail shooter in my mind: Starfire LawnDoctor Densetsu Gaiden!