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Pyweek begins, a little late mind but it begins nonetheless. After bouncing between some "ghost of christmas past" style encounter with the Greco-roman god Nemesis visual novel esque thing and something where you had to fight your way out of Hades, helped by Nemesis to get revenge on your killer I settled on a gladatorial game. Nemesis was the patron of the gladiators.

As an aside, I may have made a boo-boo. I am using the 3D rendering library Horde3D which might be a tad bit abandoned. About 6 months to a year ago, I stumbled across it and some python bindings that hadn't been updated in a while and managed to shoehorn some older bindings together with a newer renderer DLL. I told myself I would release the new bindings, but never did. D'oh. So, I will release the bindings alongside whatever I make this week and any improvements I make over the next week. Since my improvements before today consist entirely of carving out sections that throw errors, I hope people don't consider this cheating.

Back to the gladiators. Aside from getting a window working that resizes and closes as it should, I modelled the arena today. Texturing will come at a later date though.

Still debating what form the game will take though. 

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