PyWeek - Simplicity and Elegance - feedback

Fun Prod Inno Disq N/W Comments
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Hey wait a minute... is this one of those educational games? Are you trying to trick me into
learning about mythology? Because I think that's not *quite* how I remember it happening in
Edith Hamilton's book....

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Most fun I've had dropping anvils on innocent civilians since Prague back in '92.

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no sound

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Those poor little guys dont stand a chance!

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Everything works, but not much of a game I'm afraid. Better luck next pyweek!

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Needed some aspect of challenge. As it stands, it's a little timewaster, rather than a game

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Python Jedi (if that really is your name)

I see you've been hard at work building an engine

Realising this isn't a finished game

here is the feedbacks

A real game has some more lively action

- sounds

- music

- varied characters

- increasing difficulty

- score

And overall, a game will have a purpose and progression.I need to feel like I'm learning a skill
and being rewarded as the game unfolds.

I tip my hat to your engine

I hope you go on to make bigger and better games with it some day soon.

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Cute, but way underdeveloped and the main game mechanic didn't really feel like it was working
right; anvils pass right through the enemies when not spawned exactly above them, and you
can't kill them when they are at the top of the screen. The graphics didn't exactly make up for
that either. It didn't really feel like a completed game since there was so little content. The
gameplay wasn't particularly original either.

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You need to add some sounds and maybe some funny/splatter details if you want this to be played
few minutes every while.

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good effort, it's good to play around with for a bit!

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Nothing much to say about this one.

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it is not so bad.