Title Screen

Drifty Ducky

A game about a ducky drifting downstream.


The "Jonathan Livingstone Seagull" award for avian representation in a video game
Presented by ntoll

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Title Screen
Spears Dracona 2025/03/26 05:33
Day 2 progress!
Spears Dracona 2025/03/25 01:45
What I've got the first day.
Spears Dracona 2025/03/23 19:31

Diary Entries

First day

I'm more of an artist than a coder and this is my first time attempting a solo entry. It's been a hot minute since I've touched any kind of programming beyond making my Neopets pet pages look pretty. I'm kinda going in blind and learning as I go. I'm aiming for a pretty simple game with some adorable pixel art. Any extra time I have will go toward improving the most important feature: silliness.

Right now, I have a duck that can move around and stops at the edges of the river. I also have it scaling up and keeping my pixels nice and crisp. That's VERY important.

I'm starting to get back into the swing of things. I think it will go a little quicker from here on out.

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Lots of progress!

I'm really happy with the progress I've made. I went for a pretty simple concept since what little programming skills I have are very rusty, and I've pretty much got all the mechanics I planned for in the game now. I got to a point on Monday where I was finally spending more time coding than looking up how to do things, and things have come together really fast since then.

Today I made my title screen nicer. I already figured out how to do scrolling clouds for the level, so it wasn't hard to stick some scrolling clouds on the title screen and make a giant bobbing ducky. I also added some music to the game and made it keep track of the player's high score. It's feeling like an actual game!

I'm also having fun adding little things in the background. I'm trying to lean into weird and surreal. I know my game mechanics aren't too innovative (but I do think they're fun!), so I'm trying to make up for that by piling on loads of personality. I'm mostly here to learn, but I want to make people smile in the process.

From here on out, it's mostly polish. Unless I think of a feature I need to add in the shower tomorrow. :D

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