PyWeek - LAWN: Terror From The Green - feedback

Fun Prod Inno Disq N/W Comments
2 4 4

This had a lot of promise, even if it was more like a puzzle game than the squad tactics game it claimed to be. It took a while to get used to the mechanics and it would have been nice to have some visual representation of noise being made. Unfortunately the interface seemed unresponsive and ultimately frustrating to use and I only made it through the first three (real) missions.

5 5 5

I'm really impressed! The strategy/puzzle mechanic is surprisingly deep, and I found myself getting confused by what seemed at first very easy challenges. A good amount of variety and number of levels, too. Altogether very well done, way to go!

2 3 4

Couldn't work out how to do the third level. Looked thorough and well done but needed speeding/smoothening up.

1 3 3

It has some cool points :)

4 5 5

Despite the fact that I gave a maximum innovation score, the idea seed itself is not "maximum score" innovative. What I found very innovative were the mechanics in it. I liked very much how you blended the theme in with a X-COM-like game, and I liked the idea of having to rescue a soccer ball. The entire game works well, actually. The game is very fun. A suggestion is to make the game more graphically indicative of the noise level a boy and objects make (maybe have them emit a subtle wave up to the range). The graphics and sounds are impressive. I particularly liked the panicking sounds. :) It's just incredible that you managed to make this game on your own in one week and with one day to spare. I'm very impressed.

3 4 4

Game has a lot of potential, but some of the tutorial levels don't work!

Production looks nice.

5 4 5

I really enjoyed it!

3 4 3

The controlability fails.<br>
Very polished, from what I have seen.

3 3 5

Nice looking game. And nice that you came up with something different.

It could be a bit less luck-dependent, however. =|

Well, either that or we need better feedback on whether or not enemies have heard anything.

3 4 4

Ok, past the tutorials I got very stuck, and the sounds went all screwy on me, but a good idea well polished.

1 1 1 yes

Can't get past the title screen

3 3 4

great idea

4 4 4

Wow.. this is a solo entry? Well done!

1 1 1 yes

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Local/Build/Pythonic/python/2.5/Modules/_ctypes/callbacks.c", line 206, in 'calling callback function'
result = PyObject_CallObject(callable, arglist);
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5/site-packages/pyglet/window/carbon/", line 1113, in _on_mouse_up
self.dispatch_event('on_mouse_release', x, y, button, modifiers)
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5/site-packages/pyglet/window/", line 1217, in dispatch_event
EventDispatcher.dispatch_event(self, *args)
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5/site-packages/pyglet/", line 340, in dispatch_event
if handler(*args):
File "/Local/Games/Python/PyWeek8/ToDo/lawn-tftg-1.01-final/gamelib/", line 60, in on_mouse_release
self.phase.on_mouse_release( x, y, button, modifiers )
File "/Local/Games/Python/PyWeek8/ToDo/lawn-tftg-1.01-final/gamelib/", line 2172, in on_mouse_release
self.handle( l.text )
File "/Local/Games/Python/PyWeek8/ToDo/lawn-tftg-1.01-final/gamelib/", line 2183, in handle Transition(, self, Base( ) ) )
File "/Local/Games/Python/PyWeek8/ToDo/lawn-tftg-1.01-final/gamelib/", line 203, in __init__
self.crew = [sprite( '%s-%d-portrait.png'%(c.gender.replace( 'boy', 'child' ), c.kind) ) for c in]
File "/Local/Games/Python/PyWeek8/ToDo/lawn-tftg-1.01-final/gamelib/", line 330, in sprite
return pyglet.sprite.Sprite( imgcache[imgname], batch = batch )
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5/site-packages/pyglet/", line 225, in __init__
self._texture = img.get_texture()
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5/site-packages/pyglet/image/", line 831, in get_mipmapped_texture
raise NotImplementedError('TODO: gluBuild2DMipmaps')
NotImplementedError: TODO: gluBuild2DMipmaps

2 3 2

Needs grenades.

2 3 4

Controls infuriated me, and I couldn't enjoy the game. Great idea though.

3 5 4


1 1 1 yes

I trued the 1.01 zip and dmg. The zip returns a not implemented error when i hit new game and I couldnt get the DMG to work at all.

3 4 4


1 4 4

Cursor keys did not work - only way to move them was by holding down shift, which resulted in the kids strafing away (e.g. was unable to turn the kids around, making it impossible to get through the second tutorial level). (Nice looks and idean though!)