Steamech by Landshark Studios

Team Landshark


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Ratings (show detail)

Overall: 2.1
Fun: 1.9
Production: 2.4
Innovation: 1.9

1% of respondents wished to disqualify the entry.
Respondents: 9


File Uploader Date
Steamech by Landshark Studios
witten 2006/04/01 22:14
First final submission
gehn 2006/04/01 22:04

Diary Entries

and.. done!

Well, we finished Steamech with a little less than 2 hours to spare. :) We were a little more ambitious in the beginning, but I think the team did a great job re-evaluating what was possible in the remaining timeframe. Over the last 24 hours, things have really come together with the final art and sound assets, and getting it to run on windows.

So.. enjoy Steamech!

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