Ratings (show detail)
Overall: 3.0
Fun: 2.7
Production: 3.2
Innovation: 3.2
File | Uploader | Date |
Day 7: Portentosa |
hodgestar | 2016/03/06 00:48 |
Day 7: Their tanks and their guns |
hodgestar | 2016/03/06 00:47 |
Day 7: Tank management |
hodgestar | 2016/03/06 00:46 |
— final
Part of a game, of some sort, the zip file version |
drnlm | 2016/03/06 00:17 |
— final
Part of a game, of some kind, the tarball version |
drnlm | 2016/03/06 00:12 |
Day 4: Early view of the roach management screen. |
hodgestar | 2016/03/02 22:03 |
Proof we can load and show a minimal level |
drnlm | 2016/02/28 20:47 |
Diary Entries
Day 1: Some progress

As is well known, the creatures most likely to be found in the aftermath any major event are cockroaches. From this observation was born our protaganist, a humble Gromphadorhina portentosa cruely thrust into a battle for surivival in a uncaring world after some epic diaster.
Progress was reasonably good for a first day of pyweek where we didn't really start doing anything until well after noon. We have a bunch of ideas for the game, a bunch of useful scaffolding, most of the menu system we need, the start of the level loader, a growing pile of art assests and some work on the level generation tools. Hopefully we can maintain reasonable momentum during the rest of week and produce something at least half as fun as our initial plans.
Day 4:

After getting off to a good start on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday were largely a right-off owing to a combination of roleplaying commitments and an early attack of the dreaded pyweek-lurgy. Progress resumed somewhat this evening, although really only at medium steam.
Progress since Sunday includes:
- Lots of work on generating PNG images of roaches from SVG sources.
- An advanced scary Makefile for the above.
- Viewport support for moving around a level.
- Option for viewing the most recently generated map.
- Optimized generation of level background to avoid lots of blitting every frame.
- Funky world state tracking (maybe overly abstracted, but hey).
- Support for layers of actors.
- Image buttons.
- Beginnings of the roach management scene (mostly just buttons at this point).
- Renamed game to Portentosa (rename 1 of N).
Actual gameplay, but more tech demo than game

We didn't manage to get enough done during the week to actually make a game, so this isn't a complete entry. Thanks to a frantic push on Saturday and Sunday morning (which tripled the total commit count), we did manage to get a lot of the elements we discussed on the first Sunday more or less implemented, but we that left no time to work on making the game playable.
Despite this, we are pretty happy with the results, given the limited time we managed to find to work on the entry. The game looks quite good, and we feel that it at least demonstrates the potential of the original idea.
What we managed to include:
- Vehicles: Roomba, Tank, Quadcopter (although it walks, rather than flies)
- Weapons: Both melee weapons (butter knife, crowbar) and ranged weapons (roach spit, the gun)
- Enemies: Rats, roaches and robots (although they're very similar under the hood)
- Serums: Intelligence, Strength and Speed (although only intelligence actually does anything)
- Doors and keypads
- A tunnel system (with a lot of logic about connecting tunnels nicely that nobody will notice)
- Roach recruiting
- A complete roach management system (like many management systems, this one is fully featured, but not practically very useful)
- Combat, including the ability to lose the game (winning is an overated goal)
- A nice floating HUD for the player state
- Sounds and animations
- A very fancy world state
Things we didn't get to:
- The credits
- Level generation: We implemented bits of our planned random level generator, and even used some of the results, but it never got far enough along to be the hoped-for labour-saving device that would generate actual content.
- Doing more interesting things with the tunnels.
- Doing more with the serum abilities.
- Better enemies. The current ones are very stupid and somewhat strange
- Saving and restoring of game state.
- A victory condition.
For this pyweek we used Daniel Pope's and Richard Jones' Pygame Zero. It was a lot of fun to use, and most of the issues we had were because we hadn't taken time to properly study it beforehand.
We may revisit this entry at some point and try flesh out more of our original vision, but that will only be after the judging ends.
Rather embrassingly, we forgot to add the license file to the game repo, and so it didn't make it into the final release we uploaded.
We've now added the intended license to the repo.
For completeness, the text is reproduced here as a formal license grant for the final released version:
Copyright (c) 2016, Adrianna PiĆska, David Sharpe Neil Muller, Simon Cross Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.