I am a student and part time/freelancer and write Python from time to time. I am here to make a game from start to finish and to improve my self-esteem. Lets make dreams come true and best of luck to all participants of this week


A week later and i didnt actually manage to finish my game.... but oh well. Better luck next time.

Please do not download and run this expecting any kind of gameplay loop. I am uploading it simply for myself
and archival purposes... and my dear friend who i gave my promise to upload this whatever it ended up being

-Forward: W
-Direction: Mouse pointer
-laser: LMB
-Turbo: left shift

How to run:
-Install Python and requirements in requirements.txt.
-run main.py


Good Sport
Presented by zwerver

Give this entry an award


Ratings (show detail)

Overall: 2
Fun: 1.3
Production: 2.5
Innovation: 2.2

45% respondents marked the game as not working.
Respondents: 6


File Uploader Date
hotfix for linux
SaaHar 2022/09/10 21:54
Failed game
SaaHar 2022/09/10 21:46